Set maximum audio volume on macOS? [duplicate]

I cannot recall precisely, but while attempting to type "9" or "0" or hit the Delete key or other keys in that area of the top row, I just fat-fingered my headphone volume to maximum on the touch bar. It greatly startled me and caused me to shout out loud at work.

I love using the touch bar. I am never going to improve my clumsy hand movements. I require constant headphones at work to concentrate. I need my headphones plugging into my laptop so I can hear the occasional audio cue from other apps.

However, I absolutely cannot let this happen again. I scared all my nearby teammates with my sudden loud shout. I had to assure them it was OK, explain what happened, and apologize for the disturbance.

I recalled my iPod shuffle has a feature to limit the maximum volume on it, and I figured an even more feature-full OS would surely also have that feature, but I cannot seem to find it in System Preferences.

Am I missing the feature? Is there a Terminal command I can type that limits the maximum volume to a lower level?

Solution 1:

If you're still on the hunt for such an application, I have great news. I wrote a simple status menu bar app, which lets you limit the main output volume of your Mac. The app is called Earsafe, check it out if you have time.

All the best!

Solution 2:

I had a similar issue and it was solved (not intentionally, just a happy by-product) by using a 3rd party media player.

In my case, I used Vox. It has it's own volume control which I set at a level that no matter if the system is set to "max" it won't be any louder than what is set in the app.

enter image description here

The best part is Vox is free (as in beer).

Solution 3:

So this solves my clumsy typing problem, but it does not answer my question of limiting maximum audio volume.

I went into System Preferences > Keyboard and tapped the "Customize Control Strip..." button. From there I dragged the volume slider from my touch bar to the "Remove from touch bar" area.

Now I have greatly reduced my chance of accidentally engaging that control and then inadvertantly swiping right dramatically. And now that I think about it, I'll remove Siri from a nearby spot also.

Solution 4:

I had a similar experience after leaning on my headphone's volume control and pressing play. I made a small status bar app which allows you to set a volume limit: