A jabber chat client that displays a list of rooms?

I'm on OS X 10.6.6, and I've tried Adium and iChat, but neither are iChat isn't capable of showing a list of available rooms anywhere on our company chat server. Does anyone know of a Jabber chat client that can? Thanks!

Update: See my answer at the bottom of the page ;)

Yes Adium can!

Solution 1:

So the answer to my question is to use Adium. A lucky discovery: I was about to disconnect my chat account using the File menu, but when I moused over the text "Disconnect: ...", a context menu appeared as one might expect. However, I had never clicked the item labeled Discovery Browser. Under the server's "Public Chatrooms" I found a list with the JID of all the active chat rooms.

Solution 2:

The only client I've come across that does this is Psi. There's a "Service Discovery" item in the menus, and browsing the conference/muc bridge interface SHOULD list all the registered rooms.

Service Discovery Window for My XMPP Server