File transfer via remote desktop?

Is it possible to access the remote files (on Windows Server 2003) from my computer (running Windows XP) using remote desktop? Googling for "file transfer via remote desktop" showed me how the opposite can be done (i.e., access local files from the remote computer), but this is hardly usable for me (for many reasons, especially I'm missing there all the file management tools I installed locally).

“Clipboard RDC” is an open source cross platform utility that uses clipboard to transfer files much like we transfer text to/from servers in RDP. Go give it a try at

It is QUITE possible. Windows XP Mode actually uses the same feature. Fire up Remote Desktop Connection. Then select Show Options → tab Local ResourcesMore. Check the "Drives" box (to expand it). Listed underneath are all your local drives. Check the ones you want. They will now show up as network drives when you remote connect.

Before you connect though, go back to the "General" tab and click Save As.... Save the RDP file and now you can just click that to fire up your settings and automatically connect every time.

See also: