ImageMagick "convert" command cannot use fonts!

Arial is not a free font. Its terms of use on open source platforms like Linux and Ubuntu make it impossible to distribute as part of an installation. You should use one of the free/open alternatives such as Liberation.

You can list the fonts you have with convert -list font. Eg:

$ convert -list font|grep Liberation-Sans
Font: Liberation-Sans-Bold
Font: Liberation-Sans-Bold-Italic
Font: Liberation-Sans-Italic
Font: Liberation-Sans-Narrow-Bold
Font: Liberation-Sans-Narrow-Bold-Italic
Font: Liberation-Sans-Narrow-Italic
Font: Liberation-Sans-Narrow-Regular
Font: Liberation-Sans-Regular

I got the same problem with my Macbook today. The cause of that is a simple one.

convert uses only known fonts. All known fonts to convert are listed with this command.

convert -list font

My desired font was in ~/Library/Fonts. convert didn't list it.

I followed the instructions from Mark Setchell and was capable generating my type.xml.

The entry for my font in type.xml

<type format="ttf"
  family="Myriad Pro" 

I can use the name or the absolute path to generate my image.

convert -size 300x50 xc:none -font "MyriadPro" \
  -pointsize 20 -kerning 1 -gravity center \
  -fill black -annotate 0x0+0+0 "mimacom" \
  -fill white -annotate 0x0+2+2 "mimacom" mimacom.png