How can I display keyboard shortcuts as I press them?

I'm going to be giving a short "talk" about efficient note taking with LyX. As such it'll be important to focus on keyboard shortcuts. Since people can't see me type, however, I want a tool that displays keyboard combinations as I press them, like this:

"Yo dawg, I done press Ctrl-M", written in a corner while I use LyX

I'm sure I've read about something like this on OMG Ubuntu!, but my google-fu is weak.


Solution 1:


Screenkey is a screencast tool to display your keys inspired by Screenflick for Mac OS and based initially on key-mon project. It’s useful to create screencasts and is also a powerful teaching tool.

sudo apt install screenkey

For older versions of Ubuntu you can download screenkey .deb file from launchpad directly.


The original project by Pablo Seminario (2010-2012) is no longer maintained.

Solution 2:

This is an old post but still well referenced.

Here a 2020 update:

  • screenkey is still maintained but is not really useful for most screencast tasks.
  • kmcaster is also actively maintained, is not packaged, but the packaged .jar should run on ubuntu. and it shows what most people would expect.