How can I install a keylogger software?
Is there any free keylogger software for Ubuntu. If yes, How can I install it?
logkeys is available in the Software Center.
A simple google search would have yielded results!
Yes there is a keylogger for ubuntu..
You can download it from here
Or you install it via apt-get
Enable universe repositories,and then run the following in terminal
sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude install lkl
To run,type the following in terminal
lkl -l -k us_km -o log.file
for seeing results
tail log.file
You can use LKL. Download from here:
Steps to install:
- Unzip or untar the file you have downloaded.
- Open the terminal and CD to the lkl location.
- Now type ./confiure and press ENTER to check all the required resources it needs are available.
- If you get any errors related to C compiler, for example: 'C compiler cannot create executable.'
- In case of C compiler error type: sudo apt install libc6-dev.
- Type 'make' and press ENTER to compile the package.
- Type 'sudo make install' and press ENTER to install the program.
- It should complete the installation.
How to use?
You can send argument with the command lkl
-h help
-l start to log the 0×60 port (keyboard)
-b debug mode
-k set a keymap file
-o set an output file
-m send logs to
-t hostname for sendmail. Default is localhost
Example: lkl -l -k us_km -o log.file // use USA kb and put logs in ‘log.file’