How to call fromLatLngToDivPixel in Google Maps API V3?

Solution 1:

Look at

var overlay = new google.maps.OverlayView();
overlay.draw = function() {};
var point = overlay.getProjection().fromLatLngToDivPixel(latLng); 

Ugly indeed. Much easier in v2 - another flaw of google api v3!

Solution 2:

I think the easiest way is to ignore Google's desire to make our life harder by removing and hiding useful functions instead of adding new ones, and just to write your own methods that do the same thing.

Here's a version of a function somebody posted somewhere else (I can't find it right now), that worked for me:

fromLatLngToPixel: function (position) {
  var scale = Math.pow(2, Map.getZoom());
  var proj = Map.getProjection();
  var bounds = Map.getBounds();

  var nw = proj.fromLatLngToPoint(
    new google.maps.LatLng(
  var point = proj.fromLatLngToPoint(position);

  return new google.maps.Point(
    Math.floor((point.x - nw.x) * scale),
    Math.floor((point.y - nw.y) * scale));

Now you can call it any time and any where you want. I especially needed it for custom context menus, and it does it's job perfectly.

EDIT: I also wrote a reverse function, fromPixelToLatLng that does exactly the opposite. It is simply based on the first one, with some math applied:

fromPixelToLatLng: function (pixel) {
  var scale = Math.pow(2, Map.getZoom());
  var proj = Map.getProjection();
  var bounds = Map.getBounds();

  var nw = proj.fromLatLngToPoint(
    new google.maps.LatLng(
  var point = new google.maps.Point();

  point.x = pixel.x / scale + nw.x;
  point.y = pixel.y / scale + nw.y;

  return proj.fromPointToLatLng(point);

Solution 3:

I wasn't satisfied with the answers here. So I did some experiments and found the "simplest" working solution, which is close to Ralph's answer, but hopefully more understandable. (I wish Google makes this feature more accessible!)

First you declare a subclass of OverlayView somewhere like so:

function CanvasProjectionOverlay() {}
CanvasProjectionOverlay.prototype = new google.maps.OverlayView();
CanvasProjectionOverlay.prototype.constructor = CanvasProjectionOverlay;
CanvasProjectionOverlay.prototype.onAdd = function(){};
CanvasProjectionOverlay.prototype.draw = function(){};
CanvasProjectionOverlay.prototype.onRemove = function(){};

Then somewhere else in your code where you instantiate the map, you also instantiate this OverlayView and set its map, like so:

var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('google-map'), mapOptions);

// Add canvas projection overlay so we can use the LatLng to pixel converter
var canvasProjectionOverlay = new CanvasProjectionOverlay();

Then, whenever you need to use fromLatLngToContainerPixel, you just do this:


Note that because the MapCanvasProjection object will only be available once draw() is called, which is sometime before the map's idle, I suggest creating a boolean "mapInitialized" flag, set it to true on the first map idle callback. And then do what you need to do only after that.