How do I get the Gerudo tailor to come to Tarrey Town?

I started the Tarrey Town quest line "From the ground up" with Hudson and therefore.. [Spoilers from here]

..I have to look for the right people with names ending in -son. The Goron was no problem, now I am looking for the Gerudo tailor. I found Rhondson at the Kara Kara Bazar and I am fairly certain she is the vai I am looking for. But every time I talk to her, she only asks me if I am on the search for true love. How do I get her to come to Tarrey Town?

If you're near Gerudo, then I suppose you're dressed as a Vai (woman) ?

Because she's wondering about how she could find a Voe (man), so dress as a guy, and a discussion will follow in which she will judge it wouldn't be that bad to follow you.

First, make sure that you're on the section of the quest where Hudson has asked you to find a Gerudo tailor.

Then, speak to Rhondson while not dressed in the Desert Vai outfit. Basically, any other set of clothes should work.