Which champions can jungle effectively in League of Legends? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
What are the characteristics that a champion should have to jungle?

Which champions can solo in the jungle and keep their levels up to those in lane? I know Warwick of course, and I've seen Shaco and Udyr do okay. What others work well?

It highly depends on how you build the champion, but I've seen:

  • Tryndamere (start with Agility Pot)
  • Xin Shao (start with agility Pot)
  • Amumumu
  • Olaf

More often than not succeed as junglers. There are other heroes who can jungle, but these are particularly adept at it.

Stonewall's tier list is probably a good resource to go by:


Tier 1 – Udyr, Lee Sin, Trundle, Nocturne, Fiddlesticks, Cho Gath, Skarner
Tier 2 – Warwick, Riven, Shaco, Jarvan, Nunu, Xin Zhao, Amumu, Gangplank, Maokai, 
Tier 3 – Master Yi, Olaf, Malphite, Tryndamere, Shen, Yorick, Rammus, Gragas
Tier 4 – Alistar, Akali, Graves, Sion, Galio, Irelia, Kayle, Renekton, Soraka, Nasus
Tier 5 – Mordekaiser, Karthus, Pantheon, Taric, Wukong, Jax, Evelynn, Orianna, Talon

Anything under Tier 3 should be avoided if possible.

Fiddlesticks can jungle if you get Drain Life as your first skill instead of the traditional Dark Wind. I wouldn't recommend it though as he's much better at lane control.

Warwick too with his natural life steal as you mentioned, though he's much more prone to getting jungle-ganked.

A lot of champions can jungle. Most often : warwick, udyr, fiddlesticks, amumu, yi. You can also see olaf, akali, mundo.

The thing is that most of the champions can jungle at lvl 1, but the question is : how fast ?

Try & make your choice !