English equivalent for "Picking a fight with your mother because you lost a fight at the marketplace."

In the Indian language of Malayalam, there's a funny saying which literally translates to

Picking a fight with your mother at home because you lost a fight at the marketplace.

It means taking out one's frustration over one incident on someone else.

I found that Displaced Aggression and Redirected Aggression have a serious note to them.

Is there some equivalent phrase in English that is on a lighter note?

It's not an exact match, but you could consider using "Go home and kick the cat (dog)" which is

a metaphor used to describe how a relatively high-ranking person in an organization or family displaces his or her frustrations by abusing a lower-ranking person, who may in turn take it out on his or her own subordinate.

The term has been used at least since the 19th century. According to author John Bradshaw, humans were far more cruel to cats at that time, to the extent that kicking one was not perceived to be unusual and hence entered the language as a popular idiom.

The idiom could be used when you vent your anger on or lash out at innocent people or pets who are weaker or lower-ranking than you.
