What is the closest word meaning "respect for time / mindful"

I'm looking for a one (or two word if necessary) expression that describes the character trait of mindfulness and a desire to stay focused on completing a purpose in a period of time. This implies the quality that one is not easily distracted but doesn't have to imply competence or effectiveness.

The context

I'm describing the core values of our company, so this word will be listed along other words such as "Authenticity", "Curiousity", etc.

Here's some words that don't quite work

  • Punctual is only a partial hit, because I'm not necessarily talking about "showing up" for the starting and stopping of a task. EDIT - This word also implies a cold indifference where I'm trying to imply a respect for the limits time
  • Focused also only covers part of what I'm looking for, but doesn't cover the intention to complete a task within a window.
  • Effective is somewhat implied, but not quite it either as I want to isolate the intention and ability to deliver the requirements on time without speaking to the quality of the work (at least for this word)


It’s not clear if you want a noun (like "curiosity") or an adjective (like "punctual"), but the difference is easily addressed.

From Collins via TFD:

Conscientious (adj)

  1. involving or taking great care; painstaking; diligent

It implies that care is taken in everything, especially task/time management.

I would recommend


According to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary :

1: having a purpose:

such as


// purposeful activities


// purposeful ambiguity

2: full of determination

// was soft-spoken but purposeful