What is the Preboot Folder?

Could someone tell what is the Preboot folder in /Volumes and may I delete it?

$ ls -l /Volumes/
total 0
0 lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   1 Oct 20 12:13 Macintosh HD -> /
0 drwxr-xr-x+ 3 root  wheel  96 Sep 26 11:25 Preboot

UPD: Here is the files list inside Preboot folder.

Solution 1:

The Preboot volume is a new system partition that manages boot, the partition is created during the update to macOS High Sierra to support booting to an APFS volume(The one named Macintosh HD).
APFS is a new filesystem created by Apple, and it makes a lot of changes(link to Wikipedia article about APFS), and one of them is the addition of the Preboot volume, which is required to boot APFS, so if you delete it, you can't boot!

Solution 2:

I made backup and delete this folder. Everything is working fine. So I think this folder is a part of update process of something like this.