Sleep Wake Failures because of watchdog on 10.13 (supplemental update)

Solution 1:

Here's how I would pursue this at work by getting some more power logs and then submitting all to Apple Engineering for analysis.

pmset -g stats
pmset -g log
sudo sysdiagnose Watchdog

To amplify on my comment - watchdog simply watches for stuck tasks so a slow wake from sleep error might be nothing based on a desire to capture statistics on any wake that's not blindingly fast so that the fraction of people that submit error logs to Apple can help them aggregate and measure the overall health of this operation.

If your storage is slower than the best SSD or you have a lot of RAM and your memory is not compressed - I would expect wakes in the 5 to 20 second range for recent computers (last 5 years) and much longer for older Mac hardware.

Unless you have a specific failure, or suspect your hard drive / storage is struggling (run Disk Utility or fsck at single user mode boot) only two occurrences of that wouldn't cause me to do anything other than set a reminder to check in 60 days if the wakes continue to throw "error" diagnostics. I would also check every week for updates and patch the OS in case it's something that gets remedied or tightened up.

Basically, watchdog is designed to monitor for performance, it's clearly gotten a signal or guidance to collect some more details for slow wakes. Other than that - without Apple's source code and a session with their engineers publicly explaining why this specific event was triggered, you may have to monitor this and focus on other aspects like specific apps crashing / failure to wake entirely, etc...