Ukelele generated custom keyboard layouts not working in Lion?

I created a custom keyboard layout with Ukelele ( in Snow Leopard (idea is to generate scandinavian letters with Alt-key, otherwise have a pretty much standard U.S. layout). After the upgrade, the old installed (to ~/Library/Keyboard Layouts) layout wasn't working.

Ukelele seems to work OK in Lion, but whether I put the generated keylayout in a bundle or single file, or save it "/Library/Keyboard Layouts" or "~/Library/Keyboard Layouts" doesn't seem to matter.



@Sergio, I cannot choose the layout in Input Sources. One keylayout file I tried:

BTW Off-topic: I don't know if I'm going blind or something, but I can't seem to locate the Library directory in Finder. I need to copy stuff to and fro from my home directory.


I've been trying to get this work on my machine for a few hours now and I just thought to try out with a random layout from the 'net; was the first to hit the radar. I did the same thing as with my layout, saved it under Library, and it shows under Input Sources. My layout still doesn't. I'll try to create a layout from scratch, see if that helps. BTW, apparently "New from current input source" in Ukelele is broken in Lion.

UPDATE 2011/08/15:


Copied your keylayout (it naturally ended up in my Junk folder):

midgard (01:55) >ls -l ~/Library/Keyboard\ Layouts/MongolianQWERTY.keylayout
-rw-r--r--@ 1 sjl  staff  44536 Mar 13  2008 /Users/sjl/Library/Keyboard Layouts/MongolianQWERTY.keylayout

Logged out, logged in, isn't showing in Input sources (I'm looking very closely between "Maori" and "Myanmar - QWERTY").

I've also uninstalled bunch of software and plugins giving suspicious messages to system.log, but hasn't helped.

UPDATE 2011/08/16:

I created a test account, and lo, the layout works perfectly for it. Also the bug in preferences doesn't show for that account. When trying this on my own account, there are no errors in Console logs with the suggested keywords (I can't seem to locate console.log file, though).

UPDATE 2011/08/16 later:

Nuking Library/Caches (and relogging) didn't help.

UPDATE 2011/08/17:

I did

% find Library -name "*.plist" -exec mv {} {}.renamed \;

and restarted, but it didn't help. I restored the situation with

% for file in `find Library -name "*.plist.renamed"`; \
  do mv "$file" "${file//.renamed/}"; done

addendum: I also went through all the .plist files with plutil -s as described in There was some brokennes, but in very unrelated applications.

UPDATE 2011/09/10:

I went the extra mile and moved my whole Library away using another account, login in with my own account and observing stuff still not working. I have copied the layout to /Library/Keyboard Layouts, from where it works for a test account, but not for my own. Also, if I delete all the custom keylayout files, from everywhere, the Character Viewer and the Keyboard Viewer appaer as selectable to the Input Sources menu and also show under the International menu in the menubar. As soon as I copy a keyboard layout to Library (home or system), the viewers disappear from both the menu and the Input Sources.

Any ideas how I could get more information from the system? I tried Command-V on boot for verbose boot but that didn't give any extra information for this issue.


Adapted from for Lion:

sudo rm /System/Library/Caches/*
sudo find /var/ -name "*IntlDataCache*" -exec rm {} \;


Solution 1:

Try this fix which Apple published when the keyboard viewer and character viewer used to disappear in 10.5:

Solution 2:

The layout you gave the link to works fine for me. Are you sure that your copy of the file ends only in .keylayout and not .keylayout.xml or something else? You have done logout/login after installing it, right?

Solution 3:

Your layout worked for me after:

  1. Downloaded the file you provided. ( is my bash prompt)

    ⌘  wget
    --2011-08-13 23:44:27--
    Connecting to||:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 48265 (47K) [text/plain]
    Saving to: `us-scands.keylayout'
    100%[======================================>] 48,265      32.1K/s   in 1.5s    
    2011-08-13 23:44:29 (32.1 KB/s) - `us-scands.keylayout' saved [48265/48265]
    ⌘  ls
    ⌘  md5 us-scands.keylayout 
    MD5 (us-scands.keylayout) = 9197c43c426151cd03f524a766107b49
  2. Dropping it in the ~/Library/Keyboard Layouts folder

    ⌘  mv us-scands.keylayout ~/Library/Keyboard\ Layouts/

    At this point, it was already listed in Input sources:

  3. Selecting it in the input sources list on the 'Input Sources' tab on the 'Language & Text preference pane' in System Preferences

Listed layouts

  1. Loggin out and logging in again.
  2. Selecting it as the current layout on the input menu.

Are you sure you are not missing any of those steps?

My specs:

  • 15" MacBook Pro, early 2011 (thunderbolt).
  • Mac OS X 10.7 upgraded from Snow Leopard (clean Snow Leopard installation before upgrading to Lion).
  • Spanish International built-in Keyboard. I have never used an external keyboard on this Mac.

According to System Profiler:

        Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad:

          Product ID: 0x0246
          Vendor ID: 0x05ac  (Apple Inc.)
          Version: 1.08
          Speed: Up to 12 Mb/sec
          Manufacturer: Apple Inc.
          Location ID: 0xfa120000 / 5