SimpleXML SOAP response Namespace issues

After spending SEVERAL frustrated hours on this I am asking for your help.

I am trying to get the content of particular nodes from a SOAP response.

The response is

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="<a href=""></a>"<xmlns:ns1="<a href=""></a>">

I am trying to get at the nodes and children of <ErrorArray>. Because of the XML containing namespaces

$XmlArray   = new SimpleXMLElement($XmlStr);

foreach ($XmlArray->env:Envelope->env:Body->ns1:PlaceOrderResponse->ErrorArray->Error as $Error)
    echo $Error->ErrorCode."<br />";

doesn't work. I have read a number of articles such as


and about 20 questions on this site, which unfortunately are not helping.

Even writing,

$XmlArray   = new SimpleXMLElement($XmlStr);

echo "<br /><br /><pre>\n";
echo "<pre><br /><br />\n";


SimpleXMLElement Object

which makes me wonder if the soap response ($XmlStr) is actually a valid input for SimpleXMLElement.

It seems that the line

$XmlArray   = new SimpleXMLElement($XmlStr);

is not doing what I expect it to.

Any help on how to get the nodes from the XML above would be very welcome.

Obviously getting it to work (having a working example) is what I need in the short term, but if someone could help me understand what I am doing wrong would be better in the long term.

Cheers. Stu

Solution 1:

You have to use SimpleXMLElement::children(), though at this point it would probably be easier to use XPath.

    $XmlStr = <<<XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<env:Envelope xmlns:env=""  xmlns:ns1="" >

    $XmlArray   = new SimpleXMLElement($XmlStr);

    $t = $XmlArray->children("env", true)->Body->
        children("ns1", true)->PlaceOrderResponse->
    foreach ($t as $error) {
        echo $error->ErrorCode, " " , $error->ErrorText, "<br />";


24 The+client+order+number+3002254+is+already+in+use
1 Aborting