Find gaps of a sequence in SQL without creating additional tables

With modern SQL, this can easily be done using window functions:

select invoice_number + 1 as gap_start, 
       next_nr - 1 as gap_end
from (
  select invoice_number, 
         lead(invoice_number) over (order by invoice_number) as next_nr
  from invoices
) nr
where invoice_number + 1 <> next_nr;


We can use a simpler technique to get all missing values first, by joining on a generated sequence column like so:

select series
from generate_series(1, 11, 1) series
left join invoices on series = invoices.invoice_number
where invoice_number is null;

This gets us the series of missing numbers, which can be useful on it's own in some cases.

To get the gap start/end range, we can instead join the source table with itself.

select invoices.invoice_number + 1 as start, 
       min(fr.invoice_number) - 1 as stop
from invoices
left join invoices r on invoices.invoice_number = r.invoice_number - 1
left join invoices fr on invoices.invoice_number < fr.invoice_number
where r.invoice_number is null
      and fr.invoice_number is not null
group by invoices.invoice_number,


This is probably less optimised than the above solutions, but could be useful in SQL servers that don't support lead() function perhaps.

Full credit goes to this excellent page in SILOTA docs:

I highly recommend reading it, as it explains the solution step by step.

I found another query:

 select invoice_number + lag gap_start, 
        invoice_number + lead - 1 gap_end
    from (select invoice_number, 
                 invoice_number - lag(invoice_number) over w lag,
                 lead(invoice_number) over w - invoice_number lead 
              from invoices window w as (order by invoice_number)) x 
  where lag = 1 and lead > 1;