IDE Suggestion for python and javascript [closed]

  1. Komodo has support for both Python and Javascript.
  2. JetBrains' PyCharm is good for Python but I don't think and it supports Javascript.
  3. If you don't mind using Eclipse then use Pydev for Python and get a suitable plugin for Javascript.
  4. (Thanks @deif) There is also Aptana. Aptana is based on Eclipse which means that it will support PyDev. It has better JS support too.
  5. Update You probably know this, but I'll say it for the record. Don't forget the classic editors viz. Emacs and Vi(m). They have a steeper learning curve compared to the other editors listed above but the rewards of mastery are exponentially bigger.

You could try the version of eclipse for javascript and just add the pydev plugin for python development.

PyCharm (and other IDEs on IDEA platform) is brilliant IDE for python, js, xml, css and other languages in webdev stack.

I use Eclipse with Pydev (Python) and Aptana (Javascript) plugins

This is not an IDE, it's just a code editor but after installing some extensions, it's perfect. You can try Visual Studio Code