How can I display the users profile pic using the facebook graph api?

I would like to display the users profile picture inside of my applications canvas page, is there a way to do that using the graph api?

I know I can do it using FBML but I would also like to pass the profile pic to a flash game I am making, so I would have to get the profile pic from the api and send it as a variable, here is the code I have thus far,

$facebook = new Facebook(array(
    'appId'  => FACEBOOK_APP_ID,
    'secret' => FACEBOOK_SECRET_KEY,
    'cookie' => true,
    'domain' => 'myurl/facebook-test'

$session = $facebook->getSession();

        $uid = $facebook->getUser();
        $me = $facebook->api('/me');

        $updated = date("l, F j, Y", strtotime($me['updated_time']));

        echo "Hello " . $me['name'] . $me['picture'] . "<br />";
  echo "<div style=\"background:url(images/bg.jpg); width:760px; height:630px;\">" . "You last updated your profile on " . $updated . "</div>" . "<br /> your uid is" . $uid;

$me['picture'] does not seem to be working, but I am still very new to the graph api, and I am probably making a few very amateur mistakes!

Solution 1:

Knowing the user id the URL for their profile picture is:-[UID]/picture

where in place of [UID] you place your $uid variable, and that URL can be passed to flash

Solution 2:

to get different sizes, you can use the type parameter:

You can specify the picture size you want with the type argument, which should be one of square (50x50), small (50 pixels wide, variable height), and large (about 200 pixels wide, variable height):