Term for "representative" animal sound?

Is there a term for the sound word associated with a certain type of animal, that is considered the most frequent or usual representation?
e.g. Cat - meow; Duck - quack; Owl - whoo; Frog - ribbit; etc.

Generally, I guess these are all animal onomatopoeias. But wondering if there might be something more exact.

Solution 1:

The word you want is cry.

From Wiktionary,

Cry (plural cries)
6. (transitive, intransitive, of an animal) A typical sound made by the species in question.
"Woof" is the cry of a dog, while "neigh" is the cry of a horse.

More support from Merriam-Webster, Dictionary.com and Oxford Dictionaries.

Solution 2:

It seems that the term is simply animal sounds. The study of animal sounds and their effects on living organisms is called bioacoustics.