xcode - MPNowPlayingInfoCenter info is not displayed on iOS 8

Solution 1:

The problem is that you are not satisfying the requirements to become master of the lock screen and control center, as I explain in my book. You should be seeing the modern (iOS 8) equivalent of this:

enter image description here

The fact that you are not seeing it suggests that you are omitting one or more of the requirements, which I list (quoting directly from my book here):

  • Your app must contain a UIResponder in its responder chain that returns YES from canBecomeFirstResponder, and that responder must actually be first responder.
  • Some UIResponder in the responder chain, at or above the first responder, must implement remoteControlReceivedWithEvent:.
  • Your app must call the UIApplication instance method beginReceivingRemoteControlEvents.
  • Your app’s audio session’s policy must be Playback.
  • Your app must be emitting some sound.

I don't know which of those you are omitting; it could be more than one. You might like to compare your code with a working example, here:


Solution 2:

Want to expand @matt's answer - setting nowPlayingInfo is useless when you use AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionMixWithOthers option.