An alternative to "Exceed" when falling below a lower limit [duplicate]

You could say: "Yesterday, the temperature for Brrr, Minnesota, dropped below its historic minimum." Or, "dropped below its average minimum for the past N years."

That's two words and you asked for one word. Sorry. Even if you use recede, you will have to say: "Temperature for Brrr receded below its ......" as BleepBlopOverflow's answer said.

You are right in thinking that Exceeded the minimum is going to be interpreted as that the temperature was above the minimum. Possibly you could make an argument the other way, but it would be a hard sell. If you want clarity, don't say "exceeded the minimum" when you mean "below the minimum".


be greater in number or size than (a quantity, number, or other measurable thing). "production costs have exceeded $60,000"

•go beyond what is allowed or stipulated by (a set limit, especially of one's authority). "the Tribunal's decision clearly exceeds its powers under the statute"

synonyms: be more than, be greater than, be over, go beyond, overreach, top "the cost will exceed $400"

•be better than; surpass. "catalog sales have exceeded expectations"

1: to shoot short of or below (a target) - M-W

The temperature undershoots the minimum temperature.

This term is best used in the context of a control system - i.e. in a system intended to maintain a temperature range, where failure to do so led to excessive cooling.

For the example sentence, I would use the word miss to indicate that minimum was not met:

The temperature misses the minimum temperature.

This is in the sense of fail to perform or fail to obtain.Merriam-Webster

If you add the word 'limit' to the end of your existing sentence, it becomes clear that the minimum temperature has been exceeded in the negative direction, and with negative desirability.

The temperature exceeds the minimum temperature limit.

So I think that exceeds is fine in this context. That being said, you could also use 'fallen past' if you want to make the negative direction of the temperature movement explicit.

The temperature has fallen past the minimum temperature.

It may also be good to make it clear which minimum temperature has been exceeded. For example is it the minimum safe temperature, minimum temperature setting, or minimum operating temperature? I'd quite like to know if I need to evacuate the building, adjust the settings, or just wait for it to warm up so that it works again.