How might I grant access to everyone's calendar in Exchange 2007?

We're considering changing our users' Outlook calendar permissions for all users so that everyone has "Reviewer" access by default. Since our users primarily use their calendars for business (and can mark personal appointments as private) it makes sense for us to be able to see the details of what each other is up to.

What are some ways that we might be able to push these new positions out to existing calendars? It must be possible with a single PowerShell command, right? Or is there a way to do it from a Group Policy?

Solution 1:

It is possible with Powershell but it only effects current mailboxes. Future mailboxes won't have that access. What you could do is just do a windows schedule and run the powershell command for it.

Another option is to use the SetPerm tool which edited the permissions on the default mailbox. This has the advance of being for all future mailboxes.

Solution 2:

There unfortuantley is not an easy PowerShell command to do this, however using PFDavAdmin - the Public Folder DAV admin tool from MS, you can do so. This article explains the process in doing so.

Solution 3:

This can easily done with the setperm utility. I've honestly never used it for Exchange 2007 only on Exchange 2003, but it shows as supporting it. There is also some great screenshots and info here: