Required attribute HTML5

Note that

<input type="text" id="car" required="true" />

is wrong, it should be one of

<input type="text" id="car" required />
<input type="text" id="car" required="" />
<input type="text" id="car" required='' />
<input type="text" id="car" required=required />
<input type="text" id="car" required="required" />
<input type="text" id="car" required='required' />

This is because the true value suggests that the false value will make the form control optional, which is not the case.

I just ran into this issue with Safari 5 and it has been an issue with Opera 10 for some time, but I never spent time to fix it. Now I need to fix it and saw your post but no solution yet on how to cancel the form. After much searching I finally found something:

<input type=submit formnovalidate name=cancel value="Cancel">

Works on Safari 5 and Opera 10.

If I understand your question correctly, is it the fact that the required attribute appears to have default behaviour in Safari that's confusing you? If so, see:

required is not a custom attribute in HTML 5. It's defined in the spec, and is used in precisely the way you're presently using it.

EDIT: Well, not precisely. As ms2ger has pointed out, the required attribute is a boolean attribute, and here's what the HTML 5 spec has to say about those:

Note: The values "true" and "false" are not allowed on boolean attributes. To represent a false value, the attribute has to be omitted altogether.


Safari 7.0.5 still does not support notification for validation of input fields.

To overcome it is possible to write fallback script like this:

To see what HTML5 / CSS3 features are supported by browsers check:

function hasHtml5Validation () {
  //Check if validation supported && not safari
  return (typeof document.createElement('input').checkValidity === 'function') && 
    !("Safari") >= 0 &&"Chrome") < 0);

        var isValid = true;
        var $inputs = $(this).find('[required]');
            var $input = $(this);
                isValid = false;
            return false;


input, select, textarea {
    @include appearance(none);
    border-radius: 0px;

    &.invalid {
        border-color: red !important;