How do I add indexes to MySQL tables?

I've got a very large MySQL table with about 150,000 rows of data. Currently, when I try and run

SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = '1';

the code runs fine as the ID field is the primary index. However, for a recent development in the project, I have to search the database by another field. For example:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE product_id = '1';

This field was not previously indexed; however, I've added one, so mysql now indexes the field, but when I try to run the above query, it runs very slowly. An EXPLAIN query reveals that there is no index for the product_id field when I've already added one, and as a result the query takes any where from 20 minutes to 30 minutes to return a single row.

My full EXPLAIN results are:

| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys| key  | key_len | ref  | rows  | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | table | ALL  | NULL         | NULL | NULL    | NULL |157211 | Using where |

It might be helpful to note that I've just taken a look, and ID field is stored as INT whereas the PRODUCT_ID field is stored as VARCHAR. Could this be the source of the problem?

ALTER TABLE `table` ADD INDEX `product_id_index` (`product_id`)

Never compare integer to strings in MySQL. If id is int, remove the quotes.


You can use this syntax to add an index and control the kind of index (HASH or BTREE).

create index your_index_name on your_table_name(your_column_name) using HASH;


create index your_index_name on your_table_name(your_column_name) using BTREE;

You can learn about differences between BTREE and HASH indexes here: