I need a particular script to be triggered in Internet Explorer browsers Only!

I've tried this:

<!--[if IE]> 

Unfortunately this actually stops the script from being loaded.

EDIT: For everyone asking why I need this: IE makes scrolling extremely jumpy when using some animations. In order to address this I need to implement a script that provides smooth scrolling to IE. I don't want to apply it to other browsers as they don't need it and this script although making the scrolling smoother also makes it a bit unnatural.

Solution 1:

I'm curious why you specifically need to target IE browsers, but the following code should work if that really is what you need to do:

<script type="text/javascript">
    if(/MSIE \d|Trident.*rv:/.test(navigator.userAgent))
        document.write('<script src="somescript.js"><\/script>');

The first half of the Regex (MSIE \d) is for detecting Internet Explorer 10 and below. The second half is for detecting IE11 (Trident.*rv:).

If the browser's user agent string matches that pattern, it will append somescript.js to the page.

Solution 2:

currentScript is [supported][1] in all browsers besides IE

    // self-invoked wrapper for scoping the `document` variable
    !function( d ) {
        if( !d.currentScript ){
            var s = d.createElement('script')
            s.src = 'ie.js'

The above will conditionally append a script file only for IE browsers. [1]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/currentScript#Browser_compatibility

Solution 3:

If someone still looking at running IE specific Javascript then this code still works tested in IE(11), and non IE browsers(Chrome,Firefox,Edge)

<script type="text/javascript">
    if(/MSIE \d|Trident.*rv:/.test(navigator.userAgent))
        document.write('<script src="../nolng/js/ex1IE.js"><\/script>
        <script src="../nolng/js/ex2IE.js"><\/script>');
        document.write('<script src="../nolng/js/ex1.js"><\/script>
       <script src="../nolng/js/ex2.js"><\/script>');