Why does Skype suddenly fail to log in? Turns out, it's tor!

Skype fails to connect after update to

I am not sure if I'm looking at a network problem or a bug here. Since the update to my Skype can't connect any more. My room-mate has the same problem. We're both on Ubuntu Raring Ringtail 13.04 on an EliteBook 9470m in my case. Does anyone have the same problem, or do you know of a bug-report?

(Update: Turns out it's neither a bug nor a network problem. Tor exit-nodes are blocked by Microsoft. See my answer below!)

Both purge-reinstall (including the removal of ~/.Skype) and using the .deb from skype.com (version instead of the repositories did not help. Running Skype from the command line did not give additional messages.

I don't know how to decode the log files in ~/.Skype/Logs but the usual logs in /var/log/ show no anomalies. Changing the port Skype uses to one that is forwarded to my machine by the router, did not work either. Nor did running Skype as root.

The fact that I can get it running on the same machine, when I use tethered connection of my mobile points towards a network problem, but then again other machines in our household have no problem at all and I didn't change any network configurations for half a year.

Changed port

Solution 1:

Update: Turns out this answer is wrong. The problem here was Skype blocking IPs operating a Tor exit node. See answer below.

However the answer might be helpful in solving other problems.

Here is what I did.

All this was done using terminal. Just press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open Terminal.

I removed the old Skype, using sudo apt-get autoremove --purge skype, and removed ~/.Skype folder.

I then installed Skype this way.

wget -O skype-NoobsLab.deb http://download.skype.com/linux/skype-ubuntu-lucid_4.2.0.11-1_i386.deb
sudo dpkg -i skype-NoobsLab.deb
sudo apt-get -f install;rm skype-NoobsLab.deb

After the installation was done, I typed Skype in Dash, clicked on it, and when it opened, I put in my user name and password, and was able to log in. See below.

enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here

Note: I used the 32bit Skype, and there were no problems.

This method will automatically detect OS architecture and install latest skype:

sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install skype && sudo apt-get -f install

Note: I had to install libqt4-webkit, and for that I used Synaptic.

Source: Noobslab

Solution 2:

The recent consensus is that Skype doesn't work well with tor and similar programs. That's what's causing the problems. Skype has automatically blocked a few massive amount of IPs running tor exit nodes. If you are experiencing the problem so far there are only two practical ways around it:

  1. Disable tor (both node and client usage!). After a day or two Skype should start working again. Should the problem persist enable logging:

    mkdir ~/.Skype/Logs
    cd ~/.Skype/
    mv shared.xml old_shared.xml
    sed 's/<Lib>/<Lib>\n    <LogLevel>3</LogLevel>/g' old_shared.xml > shared.xml

    Then restart Skype, wait for the error to occur. After it post your logs in ~/.Skype/Logs in the appropriate thread of the Skype forum. They will help you! They will not react.

  2. Configure a proxy for use with Skype:

    1. Click the Skype-Icon and select Options

    2. Under Advanced, put your proxies details for Host, Port and optionally User and Password in the appropriate fields. If you don't know a good proxy already, you need to find a trustworthy list via google. I found hidemyass to be useful. Security is more important than speed!enter image description here

    3. Make sure ports are forwarded to your PC (for your proxy and incoming) connections).

  3. Use a VPN connection (e.g. company or university network)


Skype support does not react to inquiries into this problem anymore. I find that very disturbing. There are multiple closed threads - all labeled offtopic. Either tor is unwanted because it gets in the way of data mining or tor users are indiscriminately blocked because of the spam emanating out of the network into Skype. Both explanations are ultimately evil.

Solution 3:

Did you try to fix the packages ?

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -f && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y