How do I install Copy (file syncing software)?

Note: Copy was discontinued in 2016 and the PPA received no updates after April 2015, so the below answer should be considered obsolete.

Copy for Ubuntu is available in Paolo Rotolo's PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:paolorotolo/copy 
sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get install copy

For those who don't insist on working only through a console...

Here is what I did. I downloaded the file into my Downloads folder, and then extracted it.

Once that was done, I opened the folder with file manager, and navigated to the x86 folder since I have Ubuntu 32bit installed, and clicked on CoypyAgent.

enter image description here

And after I did that, I got the windows below, that will allow me eithr to login or create an account. Notice the tray icon.

enter image description here

After that I copied the file to the desktop for easy access.

enter image description here

Note: also included is the 64 bit file.

Edit: For 14.04

It also works !!

enter image description here