Putty-like copy/paste

Solution 1:

I'm used to that feature too, that's why I use Ubuntu. All you need to do is open the terminal and type ssh myserver.gov.

For mega-fast copy-and-paste:

  • Select text to Copy
  • Middle-click to Paste
    • Middle-click is the mouse wheel click (or both mouse buttons)

It works with any selectable text in the OS: in the terminal, browser, ...

Solution 2:

Ubuntu terminal (gnome-terminal) has this feature. It just uses Middle-click to paste instead of Right-click.

In summary:

  • Select the text to copy
  • Middle-click where you want to paste it

Solution 3:

This is solved using either one of 2 methods:

  1. Using PuTTY linux version:

    Clicking in both Touchpad buttons I simulated the middle button. Since using Linux Mint distro, I had not this middle button simulation activated.

    (The latest version of evdev, version 2.5, changed the default for the middle mouse button emulation code. This change has disabled emulation of the middle mouse button by clicking the left and right mouse buttons) I needed to enable it manually:

    Enabling the middle mouse button emulation adding this to xorg.conf snippet:

        Section "InputClass"
           Identifier "middle button emulation class"
           MatchIsPointer "on"
           Option "Emulate3Buttons" "on"
  2. Using PuTTY Windows version:

    (I prefer this method since I do not need to change distro setting like Xorg, only Wine settings in order to connect to console serial ports):

    Since Wine handles com ports by having a link to the device (ie /dev/ttyUSB0), in the ~/.wine/dosdevices folder, this link would be created as follows, in order to update your wine profile configs:

    ln -s /dev/ttyUSB0 ~/.wine/dosdevices/com1

    I prefer this second method, since the copy paste works always, do not need the middle button simulation and, the sherry in the top of the cake, it NEVER hangs (occasionally PuTTY for Windows hangs on some winXP installations).

    Otherwise, in case you do not need/want to install wine, the first method is preferable.

Solution 4:

I use Ubuntu 16.04, gnome-shell and https://github.com/jrnewell/ubuntu-gnome-terminal-patch It works like Putty, as I see.

Origin is http://www.taika.org/~tomba/gnome-terminal/index.html