Urdu fonts not rendering properly in Chrome

Chrome in Ubuntu is not rendering Urdu fonts properly. It is showing gibberish characters I'm not able to read. The problem is especially bad on Facebook.

I copied some Urdu fonts under ~/.fonts and under /usr/share/fonts/ and updated the cache and then restarted Chrome but even that didn't work.

This is how it is appearing on my system


I have installed MSCore fonts and many other fonts but it's still not working.

Download and install nafees-urdu fonts.

Update the package index:

sudo apt-get update

Install the fonts-nafees package:

sudo apt-get install fonts-nafees

and refresh your browser. This works fine for me.

or try this: http://www.urdujahan.com/linux.html

I installed fonts-noto

$ sudo apt-get -y install fonts-noto

Restarted Chrome, and then changed the Standard Font in Chrome to Noto Naskh Arabic UI. Urdu fonts appear much better and clear now. You can find the 'Font Settings' at: chrome://settings/fonts Font Preview Chrome Settings Preview

Update (for Firefox): You can change the fonts settings to Noto Sans Arabic UI in Firefox preferences Under Langugage and Appearance section

You can use this Chrome extension as well: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/nastaleeq/oddbjmjgpaofommagnbfednbdifaakfb?hl=en