Shell not handling escape character spaces

Recently it seems that shell has changed how it handles spaces in parameters. It used to handle them properly (Or at least as I intended it to), but now it recognises it as a bunch of different parameters and completely misses the escape character.

An example of a small script that used to work very well:

exec /home/evan/.applications/Sublime\ Text\ 2/sublime_text $1

So I would give it some filepath with spaces and it used to open the proper file eg, /home/evan/Document/My\ File\ Path/file.txt would open that file.txt. Now it opens "My", "File", "Path", and some unknown "file.txt" Obviously, that won't be the file.txt that I am looking for.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

OS: Ubuntu 13.04 GNOME edition with latest updates

EDIT: I forgot to mention that the command executes perfect. The parameter does not.

Solution 1:

That's why we use quotes.

... "$1"