How do I fix a bad PPA installed in Ubuntu? [duplicate]

Automated removal

skip to the bottom of this answer for a scripted way to remove offending software-sources for all ubuntu versions prior to Ubuntu 15.04

What are 404 errors

The 404 or Not Found error message is a HTTP standard response code indicating that the client was able to communicate with the server, but the server could not find what was requested.

The web site hosting server will typically generate "404 - Page Not Found" web page, when users attempts to follow a broken or dead link.

What are the causes of these errors in update-manager

Typically, three main areas cause these errors in update-manager

  1. A user has just upgraded and has re-enabled a PPA software-source that no longer exists enter image description here
  2. A user has manually typed in a new software source incorrectly enter image description here
  3. A PPA was added, but the maintainer has subsequently deleted some/all of the PPA

where are these software-sources

PPAs typically are saved in one of two locations

  1. /etc/apt/sources.list
  2. in an appropriately named file with a .list file-extension in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ for example webupd8team-jupiter-natty.list

This list file typically contains:

deb oneiric main
# deb-src oneiric main

Note a # at the front of a line of text means that it is commented out and is not checked by the package manager.

How to eliminate these errors

Typically, if you run sudo apt-get update from a terminal or click the details button in Update Manager after hitting the refresh button you will see errors such as:

enter image description here

If the error is due to a PPA - usually unticking the similarly named PPA with the URL shown in the error message will resolve this.

enter image description here

If the 404 error was due to an additional repository that has been added to /etc/apt/sources.list then its easier to add # character to the start of the line to comment out the offending repository i.e.

gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

enter image description here

More info

Here is a bug report on the update manager to solve this problem:


If you are getting these problems without PPAs, check out this question:

  • How can I fix a 404 Error using the Ubuntu archives?
  • Repositories/Ubuntu - Community Ubuntu Documentation - Removing & Disabling Repositories

Automated Removal of 404 Not found PPA's through script

This is a script to remove automatically all the 404 Not found PPA's.Copy the below code and paste it into a file and name it as ppa-remove.

sudo rm /tmp/update.txt; tput setaf 6; echo "Initializing.. Please Wait" 
sudo apt-get update >> /tmp/update.txt 2>&1; awk '( /W:/ && /launchpad/ && /404/ ) { print substr($5,26) }' /tmp/update.txt > /tmp/awk.txt; awk -F '/' '{ print $1"/"$2 }' /tmp/awk.txt > /tmp/awk1.txt; sort -u /tmp/awk1.txt > /tmp/awk2.txt
tput sgr0
if [ -s /tmp/awk2.txt ]
  tput setaf 1
  printf "PPA's going to be removed\n%s\n" "$(cat /tmp/awk2.txt)"
  tput sgr0
  while read -r line; do echo "sudo add-apt-repository -r ppa:$line"; done < /tmp/awk2.txt > out
  bash out
  tput setaf 1
  echo "No PPA's to be removed"
  tput sgr0

Give execute permission to the script

sudo chmod +x ppa-remove

Copy and paste the ppa-remove file into /usr/bin directory.So that you can access it from anywhere.


sudo ppa-remove

Script Description

[ -f /tmp/update.txt ] && sudo rm /tmp/update.txt; tput setaf 6; echo "Initializing.. Please Wait" || echo "No update file"

tput setaf 6 command turns the terminal text colour into green.And then it displays "Initializing ..Please Wait" in green colour.

sudo apt-get update >> /tmp/update.txt 2>&1; awk '( /W:/ && /launchpad/ && /404/ ) { print substr($5,26) }' /tmp/update.txt > /tmp/awk.txt; awk -F '/' '{ print $1"/"$2 }' /tmp/awk.txt > /tmp/awk1.txt; uniq /tmp/awk1.txt > /tmp/awk2.txt
  1. sudo apt-get update >> /tmp/update.txt 2>&1;

    Both stdout and stderr of the command sudo apt-get update are written to the file /tmp/update.txt

  2. awk '( /W:/ && /launchpad/ && /404/ ) { print substr($5,26) }' /tmp/update.txt > /tmp/awk.txt; awk -F '/' '{ print $1"/"$2 }' /tmp/awk.txt > /tmp/awk1.txt;

Awk searches for the line which consists of W:,launchpad,404 in the /tmp/update.txt file.If it found that then in that line it displays(stdout) all the letters starting from the 26th location in column5.This standard output was redirected(written) to the /tmp/awk.txtfile.

For example:

W: Failed to fetch  404  Not Found

5th coloumn -

in that 5th column start from 26th character- pitti/postgresql/ubuntu/dists/saucy/main/binary-i386/Packages

This above line was stored into /tmp/awk.txt file.Now the next command,

awk -F '/' '{ print $1"/"$2 }' /tmp/awk.txt > /tmp/awk1.txt;  

awk findout out the column1 and column2 with the delimiter / where the column1 and column2 are concatenated by /from the /tmp/awk.txt file and then redirects(written) the stdout to /tmp/awk1.txt file.

Now /tmp/awk1.txt file contains pitti/postgresql line.

uniq /tmp/awk1.txt > /tmp/awk2.txt

If there are two same lines, unique command displays(stdout) single line only.That single line was written to /tmp/awk2.txt Finally /tmp/awk2.txt consists of unique PPA names.

tput sgr0

This command changes the colour of terminal text into white.

Finally if conditional statements will executes. if [ -s /tmp/awk2.txt ] check for the contents of /tmp/awk2.txt file presents or not.If yes, then it takes the first line from /tmp/awk2.txt and executes sudo add-apt-repository -r ppa:$line command.It continues upto to the last line.

If no, it means there is no contents.So it says "No PPA's to be removed".


enter image description here

enter image description here