Pass options to ES6 module imports

Solution 1:

There is no way to do this with a single import statement, it does not allow for invocations.

So you wouldn't call it directly, but you can basically do just the same what commonjs does with default exports:

// module.js
export default function(options) {
    return {
        // actual module

// main.js
import m from 'module';
var x = m(someoptions);

Alternatively, if you use a module loader that supports monadic promises, you might be able to do something like

System.import('module').ap(someoptions).then(function(x) {

With the new import operator it might become

const promise = import('module').then(m => m(someoptions));


const x = (await import('module'))(someoptions)

however you probably don't want a dynamic import but a static one.

Solution 2:


Here's my solution using ES6

Very much inline with @Bergi's response, this is the "template" I use when creating imports that need parameters passed for class declarations. This is used on an isomorphic framework I'm writing, so will work with a transpiler in the browser and in node.js (I use Babel with Webpack):


export default (Param1, Param2) => class MyClass {
        console.log( Param1 );


import MyClassFactory from './MyClass.js';

let MyClass = MyClassFactory('foo', 'bar');

let myInstance = new MyClass();

The above will output foo in a console


Real World Example

For a real world example, I'm using this to pass in a namespace for accessing other classes and instances within a framework. Because we're simply creating a function and passing the object in as an argument, we can use it with our class declaration likeso:

export default (UIFramework) => class MyView extends UIFramework.Type.View {
    getModels() {
        // ...
        UIFramework.Models.getModelsForView( this._models );
        // ...

The importation is a bit more complicated and automagical in my case given that it's an entire framework, but essentially this is what is happening:

// ...
getView( viewName ){
    const ViewFactory = require(viewFileLoc);
    const View = ViewFactory(this);
    return new View();
// ...

I hope this helps!

Solution 3:

Building on @Bergi's answer to use the debug module using es6 would be the following

// original
var debug = require('debug')('http');

// ES6
import * as Debug from 'debug';
const debug = Debug('http');

// Use in your code as normal
debug('Hello World!');

Solution 4:

I believe you can use es6 module loaders.

System.import("lib/math").then(function(m) {

Solution 5:

You just need to add these 2 lines.

import xModule from 'module';
const x = xModule('someOptions');