How to add Android Studio to the launcher?

Solution 1:

Android Studio -> Tools -> Create Desktop Entry

enter image description here

Now, you should be able to see in your system menu:

enter image description here

Solution 2:

Here is my AndroidStudio .desktop file which works from the launcher.

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Android Studio
Exec="/home/username/Programs/AndroidStudio/bin/" %f

If you are unable to create an entry for Android Studio on the Unity launcher through the Tools > Create Desktop Entry... option, it is possible that you might have a Unity generated jetbrains-android-studio.desktop in your ~/.local/share/applications folder. To confirm, open the file and check for the following entry:


Delete the file and try again.

Alternatively, you can also open Android Studio, click on Configure -> Create Desktop Entry. This should create an entry on the dash:


Solution 3:

You can open Android Studio, click on Configure -> Create Desktop Entry. This should create an entry on the dash.

Solution 4:

From the quick start panel, (which opens up once android-studio IDE launched), click on "Configure" which takes you to the configure panel then click on "Create Desktop Entry".

You can also go to Tools -> Create Desktop Entry once you're inside an Android Studio Project.

This basically puts a jetbrains-android-studio.desktop file into your Ubuntu's ~/.local/share/applications folder.