How to generate dependency graph with text [closed]

Is there a simple online tool that will generate a dependency graph (boxes linked by arrow lines) based on text input like:

A -> B

Much like this one:

(It generates a sequence diagram)

graphviz is a tool for generating graphs. is a web app that uses graphviz, and lets you modify the text and display the corresponding graph (it has 5 samples/examples as well).

graphviz takes input like this:

digraph G {

It's using the syntax:

[A] -> [B]

I know this is really old, but it might help someone else later.

I personally like

Given the following syntax:

[note: You can stick notes on diagrams too!{bg:cornsilk}],

You can generate a rather complex diagram. And to facilitate it's use, this is all exposed as a series of simple URLs which you can embed in just about any web-based document.

  • Edit Later - To come back and edit the image later:
  • PNG Image - For blogs, wikis or email. Transparent background:
  • PDF Document - Great for printing. Infinite zoom.
  • JPEG Image - Solid background. Plays nicer with some desktop tools.
  • JSON File - To programatically save metadata.
  • SVG Vector Graphics - Experimental

  • Go to this page: Interactive GraphSource Demo
  • Switch the combobox above to "Dynamic Bindings"
  • Enter these values in the fields
    • Nodes Source: ['Dummy']
    • Edges Source: ['A->B', 'A->C', 'D->C', 'D->A']
    • Lazy Node Definition: Checked
    • Source Node Binding: function(edge) { return /(.+)->(.+)/.exec(edge)[1];}
    • Target Node Binding: function(edge) { return /(.+)->(.+)/.exec(edge)[2];}
    • Leave the rest as is
  • Hit the New Graph button
  • Watch the animation and take a screenshot!