NGINX $request_uri vs $uri

$uri is not equivalent to $request_uri.

The $uri variable is set to the URI that nginx is currently processing - but it is also subject to normalisation, including:

  • Removal of the ? and query string
  • Consecutive / characters are replace by a single /
  • URL encoded characters are decoded

The value of $request_uri is always the original URI and is not subject to any of the above normalisations.

Most of the time you would use $uri, because it is normalised. Using $request_uri in the wrong place can cause URL encoded characters to become doubly encoded.

Use $request_uri in a map directive, if you need to match the URI and its query string.

Another difference about $uri and $request_uri in proxy_cache_key is $request_uri will include anchor tags part, but $uri$is_args$args will ignore it

Do a curl operation : curl -I :

proxy_cache_key $scheme://$host$uri$is_args$args; => Cache KEY:
proxy_cache_key $scheme://$host$request_uri; => Cache KEY:

Nginx Document:

  • $request_uri : full original request URI (with arguments)
  • $uri: current URI in request, normalized The value of $uri may change during request processing, e.g. when doing internal redirects, or when using index files.

Proxy Cache key: