Android: How to initialize a variable of type "Location" (other than making it equal to null)

Solution 1:

The API documentation is quite clear on this. First create a new Location instance:

Location loc = new Location("dummyprovider");

And then use the setter methods to set the location parameters you need, e.g.:


Solution 2:

Location object = new Location("service Provider");

it will create an object of Type Location that contains the initial Latitude and Longitude at location '0' to get the initial values use

double lat = object.getLatitude();
double lng = object.getLongitude();

Solution 3:

In Kotlin using LocationManager class you can pass the required location provider like:

val location = Location(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER) // OR GPS_PROVIDER based on the requirement
location.latitude = 42.125
location.longitude = 55.123

Solution 4:

You can write a method:

Location createNewLocation(double longitude, double latitude) {
    Location location = new Location("dummyprovider");
    return location;

And then call it:

Location myLoc = createNewLocation(dLong, dLati);

Or you can use string with Double.parse():

Location myLoc = createNewLocation(Double.parse("s.Long"), Double.parse("s.Lati"));