How can tox install the modules via the requirements file?

Solution 1:

 deps = -r{toxinidir}/tools/pip-requires

Solution 2:

What helped me is the following (the other solution didn't work for me):


This works at least if you add requirements.txt to and if you use a relatively new `tox (>= 1.6.1) version (see here).

Solution 3:

I had already setup my dependencies as in the accepted answer above, however any new dependencies were not installed like they are when tox is run for the first time. To install new dependencies in the virtualenv I had to force tox to recreate the environment like so:

tox --recreate -e py27

[UPDATE: this issue should be fixed in tox v4]

Solution 4:

You can put dependencies and test dependencies in requirements.txt and requirements.testing.txt in order to the root directory.

Put tox.ini in your root directory of your project and you can use the approach below to install dependencies.

[testenv] deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt -r{toxinidir}/requirements.testing.txt

In addition to upgrade dependencies

[testenv] deps = -Ur{toxinidir}/requirements.txt -Ur{toxinidir}/requirements.testing.txt