How to enable auto-login for my Guild Wars account?

Solution 1:

You have to add some command line arguments to Gw.exe when you start the game up.

The two that you need to add are -email, -character, and -password. Have a look at this link for more complete details:

From the link:

Instead of using the command line, you can execute switches directly from your Guild Wars shortcut:
1. Right click on your Guild Wars shortcut and select 'Properties'.
2. In the 'Target Area' field you will see the location of your Guild Wars executable file: "<...>\Guild Wars\Gw.exe"
3. Write the desired command line arguments after the quote marks, each beginning with a space: "<...>\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" -perf -windowed

Solution 2:

Create a shortcut to the gw.exe or edit its properties and add following options after “C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\gw.exe” -email mail(at)provider.end -character "Name Of Your Charakter" -password qwerasdf

Be aware: Your password is saved in cleartext!

Other command line options can be found on GuildWiki