Active Effects only half powerful

Solution 1:

There are two other options that come to mind:

Thoroughly checking the mods for conflicts using TES5Edit will be considerably time-consuming, but is still an option (provided your problem is caused by conflicting mods, and not, as mentioned, by your save file).

However, I once had a problem with an invisibility effect (I think that of the Shadowcloak of Nocturnal - it would wear off almost immediately after sneaking) and was able to resolve it by using a batch file that removed ALL active spells and effects.
You can find this batch file under Solution 4 on this page (and here is a direct link. It was created by NexusForums user LubitelSofta. You need a free account in order to download).
Be sure to take off all your (enchanted) gear beforehand.

Additionally, you might want to try cleaning your saved game, using either Skyrim Save Cleaner, FallrimTools ReSaver, or the Save game script cleaner.
Download and install any one of them, and follow the steps mentioned on their respective Nexus page.