Find files in git repo over x megabytes, that don't exist in HEAD

This is an adaptation of the git-find-blob script I posted previously:

use 5.008;
use strict;
use Memoize;

sub usage { die "usage: git-large-blob <size[b|k|m]> [<git-log arguments ...>]\n" }

@ARGV or usage();
my ( $max_size, $unit ) = ( shift =~ /^(\d+)([bkm]?)\z/ ) ? ( $1, $2 ) : usage();

my $exp = 10 * ( $unit eq 'b' ? 0 : $unit eq 'k' ? 1 : 2 );
my $cutoff = $max_size * 2**$exp; 

sub walk_tree {
    my ( $tree, @path ) = @_;
    my @subtree;
    my @r;

        open my $ls_tree, '-|', git => 'ls-tree' => -l => $tree
            or die "Couldn't open pipe to git-ls-tree: $!\n";

        while ( <$ls_tree> ) {
            my ( $type, $sha1, $size, $name ) = /\A[0-7]{6} (\S+) (\S+) +(\S+)\t(.*)/;
            if ( $type eq 'tree' ) {
                push @subtree, [ $sha1, $name ];
            elsif ( $type eq 'blob' and $size >= $cutoff ) {
                push @r, [ $size, @path, $name ];

    push @r, walk_tree( $_->[0], @path, $_->[1] )
        for @subtree;

    return @r;

memoize 'walk_tree';

open my $log, '-|', git => log => @ARGV, '--pretty=format:%T %h %cr'
    or die "Couldn't open pipe to git-log: $!\n";

my %seen;
while ( <$log> ) {
    my ( $tree, $commit, $age ) = split " ", $_, 3;
    my $is_header_printed;
    for ( walk_tree( $tree ) ) {
        my ( $size, @path ) = @$_;
        my $path = join '/', @path;
        next if $seen{ $path }++;
        print "$commit $age\n" if not $is_header_printed++;
        print "\t$size\t$path\n";

More compact ruby script:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w
head, treshold = ARGV
head ||= 'HEAD'
Megabyte = 1000 ** 2
treshold = (treshold || 0.1).to_f * Megabyte

big_files = {}

IO.popen("git rev-list #{head}", 'r') do |rev_list|
  rev_list.each_line do |commit|
    for object in `git ls-tree -zrl #{commit}`.split("\0")
      bits, type, sha, size, path = object.split(/\s+/, 5)
      size = size.to_i
      big_files[sha] = [path, size, commit] if size >= treshold

big_files.each do |sha, (path, size, commit)|
  where = `git show -s #{commit} --format='%h: %cr'`.chomp
  puts "%4.1fM\t%s\t(%s)" % [size.to_f / Megabyte, path, where]


ruby big_file.rb [rev] [size in MB]
$ ruby big_file.rb master 0.3
3.8M  example/blah.psd  (aad2981: 4 months ago)
1.1M  another/big.file  (6e73ca2: 2 weeks ago)

Python script to do the same thing (based on this post):

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os, sys

def getOutput(cmd):
    return os.popen(cmd).read()

if (len(sys.argv) <> 2):
    print "usage: %s size_in_bytes" % sys.argv[0]
    maxSize = int(sys.argv[1])

    revisions = getOutput("git rev-list HEAD").split()

    bigfiles = set()
    for revision in revisions:
        files = getOutput("git ls-tree -zrl %s" % revision).split('\0')
        for file in files:
            if file == "":
            splitdata = file.split()
            commit = splitdata[2]
            if splitdata[3] == "-":
            size = int(splitdata[3])
            path = splitdata[4]
            if (size > maxSize):
                bigfiles.add("%10d %s %s" % (size, commit, path))

    bigfiles = sorted(bigfiles, reverse=True)

    for f in bigfiles:
        print f