How show minutes and seconds with Stopwatch()

You should use:


this will give you minutes, seconds and the hundredths of a second in a time interval.

also take a look at

EDITED: well if you want minutes be your biggest unit you can do the following:

string.Format("{0}:{1}", Math.Floor(ts.TotalMinutes), ts.ToString("ss\\.ff"))

The TimeSpan.ToString() method in .NET 4.0 has an overload that lets you specify the format.

To display minutes and seconds:

TimeSpan elapsed = GetElapsedTime(); // however you get the amount of time elapsed
string tsOut = elapsed.ToString(@"m\:ss");

To include the milliseconds, you would write:

string tsOut = elapsed.ToString(@"m\:ss\.ff");

Note, however, that this won't do what you expect if the total timespan is more than 60 minutes. The "minutes" value displayed will be elapsed.Minutes, which is basically the same as ((int)elapsed.TotalMinutes) % 60). So if the total time was 70 minutes, the above will show 10:00.

If you want to show the total minutes and seconds reliably, you have to do the math yourself.

int minutes = (int)elapsed.TotalMinutes;
double fsec = 60 * (elapsed.TotalMinutes - minutes);
int sec = (int)fsec;
int ms = 1000 * (fsec - sec);
string tsOut = String.Format("{0}:{1:D2}.{2}", minutes, sec, ms);