Are there any workarounds, to avoid fullscreened applications to crash when alt+tabing? [closed]

Simply said.

Are there any workarounds that prevent fullscreened applications from crashing at times?

Additional it would be great if this workaround also avoids all the other negative sideeffects like rarely changing windows display resolution, having display bugs when focusing the application again, or messing up the volume configurations.

Solution 1:

Most, not all, but most apps and games support Alt+Enter.

Alt+Enter is a shortcut that toggles between full-screen and windowed mode. It generally doesn't mess with resolution and such. And is a great alternative to Alt+Tab as the later can sometimes take ages to execute (besides crashing as OP mentions) as the machine needs to load desktop and then when you go back in the game it needs to reaload everything in there.

Throughout my experience I've found Alt+Enter to a much better option to Alt+Tabbing, takes much less time and am yet to experience a crash.

Another positive is that you can actually keep your game/app somewhere on the screen while doing whatever it is that you switched for.