How do I get Dwarf Therapist to work with the latest Dwarf Fortress? [closed]

I just downloaded the latest DF(0.31.12) and the latest Dwarf Therapist(0.5.7). When I open Dwarf Therapist, it says it doesn't

...know how to talk to this version of Dwarf Fortress!(checksum:0x4c4c32e7)

When I look in the etc/memory_layouts/windows folder, I don't see a file for 0.31.12; the latest one I see is for 0.31.10. Does one exist?

Solution 1:, all the way at the bottom.

checksum                = 0x4c4c32e7
version_name            = v0.31.12 (graphics)

translation_vector      = 0x016da41c
language_vector         = 0x016da3ec
creature_vector         = 0x0169575c
dwarf_race_index        = 0x014c0f1c

word_table              = 0x0058

first_name              = 0x0000
nick_name               = 0x001C
last_name               = 0x0038
custom_profession       = 0x006c
profession              = 0x0088
race                    = 0x008C
flags1                  = 0x00F8
flags2                  = 0x00FC
sex                     = 0x0110
id                      = 0x0114
recheck_equipment       = 0x021C
birth_year              = 0x0298
current_job             = 0x0390
physical_attrs          = 0x0464
states                  = 0x0684
souls                   = 0x0790
likes                   = 0x07A0
labors                  = 0x07BC
happiness               = 0x087C

skills                  = 0x01FC
traits                  = 0x0224

id                      = 0x0008
on_break_flag           = 0x0011

token                   = 0x0000
flags                   = 0x0020
general_name_singular   = 0x00E8
general_name_plural     = 0x0104
male_name_singular      = 0x0158
male_name_plural        = 0x0174
female_name_singluar    = 0x0120
female_name_plural      = 0x013C
# 2 bytes each...
custom_color_red        = 0x037E
custom_color_green      = 0x0380
custom_color_red        = 0x0382

size                    = 1
1/name                  = "Not from around these parts"
1/value                 = 0x80000000

size                    = 7
1/name                  = "a zombie"
1/value                 = 0x00001000
2/name                  = "a skeleton"
2/value                 = 0x00002000
3/name                  = "a merchant or diplomat"
3/value                 = 0x00000040
4/name                  = "outpost liason"
4/value                 = 0x00000800
5/name                  = "an invader or hostile"
5/value                 = 0x00020000
6/name                  = "an invader or hostile"
6/value                 = 0x00080000
7/name                  = "an invader or hostile"
7/value                 = 0x000C0000

1/name                  = "dead, Jim."
1/value                 = 0x00000080
2/name                  = "from the Underworld. SPOOKY!"
2/value                 = 0x00040000