Extend volume group with adjacent unallocated space
Solution 1:
- fdisk to create a new partition #7 containing the space after sda6
- reboot to ensure that all partitions are registered properly and the device names are created.
- pvcreate /dev/sda7
- vgextend [volumegroupname] /dev/sda7
- vgdisplay -v [volumegroupname] ;; to see the added size and # extents
Now more space is contained in volumegroup.
I presume that you are extending one of the logical volumes within the VG that already contains an ext2/ext3 filesystem. For safety I'd suggest unmounting the logical volume that you want to expand.
- lvextend -l +[numberextentsfreefrom#5] [logicalvolumepath]
- resize2fs [logicalvolumepath]
Your logicalvolumepath will now have more available space.