How to set default vim colorscheme

Solution 1:

Put a colorscheme directive in your .vimrc file, for example:

colorscheme morning

See here:

Solution 2:

Your .vimrc file goes in your $HOME directory. In *nix, cd ~; vim .vimrc. The commands in the .vimrc are the same as you type in ex-mode in vim, only without the leading colon, so colo evening would suffice. Comments in the .vimrc are indicated with a leading double-quote.

To see an example vimrc, open $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim from within vim

:e $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim

Solution 3:

It's as simple as adding a line to your ~/.vimrc:

colorscheme color_scheme_name

Solution 4:

You can try too to put this into your ~/.vimrc file:

colorscheme Solarized