Does every hero have a New Year's Resolution?

While I was on playing on Oasis, after the New Year had already passed, Lucio surprised me with a voice line that said something like "My New Year's Resolution? Get new skates to all the kids on the block!".

Since then I haven't been able to trigger other hero's so-called "new year's resolutions". I'm not sure if I have to play specifically on Oasis, or if it triggers on any map, or any game mode.

Do all heroes have new year's resolutions? If so, what are they?

Nearly all the characters have indeed a line. Here are most of those:

  • D.Va: "My New Year's resolution? Play all the games I need to catch up on!"
  • Zarya: "My new year's resolution? Five one three." (Reference to her previous weight lifting record which was 512kg)
  • Zarya: "My new year's resolution? Peace on Earth."
  • Pharah: "My new year's resolution? Take some time off."
  • Lucio: "My new year's resolution? Hmm. New skates for all the kids in the neighborhood."
  • Winston: "My new year's resolutions? Less peanut butter, more... bananas."
  • Reaper: "This wasn't a good year for you."
  • Genji: "あけましておめでとうございます", that you can read "Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu", that you can translate as "Happy New Year".
  • Mei: "My New Year’s resolution? Hmm… I could do a better job controlling my temper."
  • Widowmaker: "New Year’s resolutions?", Laughs, "How precious."
  • Soldier 76: "I stopped making New Year’s resolutions a long time ago."
  • Junkrat: "My New Year’s resolution? I think I’d like to travel more."
  • Reinhardt: "My New Year's resolution? Same as always! Fighting for justice!"

Possibly Unused

  • Mercy: "Mercy always wanted to take time off work."
  • Sombra: "New Year's resolution is 3840 x 2160."