First suggested Heirloom piece to get?

I recently got my first level 80 toon and am excited to purchase my first piece of Heirloom gear. My current alts are a level 68 Hunter and a level 15 Druid. Should I bother to buy a piece of Heirloom for the Hunter? Or should I get something for the Druid instead?

Regardless of who I buy it for, which piece should I get first? It looks like weapons are the most expensive, does that mean they are the best?

Solution 1:

Once you're in Outlands, the gear earned from quests is much more prevalent, so the Heirloom gear gets less relevant at that point. That said, also keep in mind other characters you might play that could use the same heirloom gear.

As far as which piece to choose first, there are mainly two ways to go. The shoulders and chest are a popular choice overall due to the XP bonus built in. However, for a very gear dependent class like a Warrior or Rogue, an heirloom weapon would be a great help in the leveling process.

Solution 2:

In general, shoulders and chest should be the first two items you pick up, due to their 10% stacking xp bonus.

The next item you pick up should be dependant on your class/spec. If you're leveling as a caster, the two trinkets are a smart buy (Spell Power / % mana restored on kill, Haste Rating / % hp restored on kill), followed by weapons. Conversely, class/specs that depend on your weapons should pick up the weapons second and the trinkets last.

Solution 3:

I would definitely go for items for the Druid. The Hunter is too far along to have any real use for it (granted, there will be some, but the druid will have much better use for it).

In regards to the actual items, I would indeed choose the shoulders first, for their XP-bonus. Naturally, which one of those to choose, would rely on what spec you'd level as, but I would go with "Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders" for Feral and "Preened Ironfeather Shoulders" for Balance/Restoration. Again, there's also the resilience ones.

The weapon isn't that important, but will indeed make it all better. Here, I'd go with either "Repurposed Lava Dredger" or "Dignified Headmaster's Charge" (same order as before, naturally).

Solution 4:

I would not bother buying anything for the hunter because he is so close to level cap, unless you have other toons that can use it. For the Druid I would suggest the head piece first because many toons don't get that piece for a long time, next i would go with shoulders and chest piece, because these are vital pieces of gear to have and the 10% stack also helps a lot. Weapons are next for sure because having heirloom weapons helps with gold because weapon quest rewards and loot drops tend to sell for as much or more than any armor. Hope this helps