Solution 1:

It is possible to embed a password in a .rdp file, but the password is encrypted with the SID of your local user account in such a way that the .rdp file is not interchangeable between users or computers. This behavior is by design: Microsoft didn't want an intruder to be able to obtain the keys to a terminal server just by stealing an .rdp file from someone's desktop.

Fortunately, there is a reasonably well-documented workaround. Basically, you need to create the .rdp file "on the fly" via a batch file or script that the user runs instead of invoking mstsc.exe directly. Your script creates the appropriate .rdp file and, in doing so, it encrypts the password in such a way that mstsc.exe will accept it in the context of the current user.


  • How RDP passwords are encrypted (includes source & binary)
  • Automatically create RDP file with password (includes binary)
  • Encrypt RDP password in Python (includes source)

Each of the above articles includes either a link to a tool that can be used to encrypt RDP passwords and/or source code. I would suggest working from the source code if feasible. (As always, use binaries compiled by internet strangers at your own risk.)

Solution 2:

Hmm... interesting. The first thing that comes to mind is using key/certificate (like ssh):


Does this help?