Remote Desktop Connection Screen is totally black but server is working perfectly

I've seen this happen before 3 or 4 times when a user just closes their session instead of logging out of it. Please try the things in the KB article above under JohnThePro's answer.

This often happens to me when I connect to Windows 7 x64 machine. Solution that I use is pressing Ctrl-Alt-End in the RDP window. This brings up the "lock your computer" screen. Lock-Unlock and you are in!

Next time it crops up, there is a specific KB article about this issue.


While logon into a remote server by using remote desktop, the following issues may occur:

  1. A slow logon process.
  2. A black screen appear for a while, until the regular desktop appear.


  1. Disable the use of "Bitmap Caching" on the RDP client.
  2. Verity that the server, client and the network equipment using the "MTU" size.

Here is how to work around the issue. All the above else failed for me.

I am using Windows 7 home Edition.

Before Connecting To RDP,

Click the link with the words "Remote desktop Connection" Link. Ensure you click the link with these words, not the actual URL or saved RDP name.

When the RDP window opens up, click the Options button at the bottom.

Change to Display properties by clicking the Display Tab.

On the Display Configuration Panel, Change the Screen Resolution slightly each time before clicking Connect.

This will ensure your black screen stays away.

Press CTRL + ALT + END and hit the Task manager. Log off and log in back again. It happens if user disconnects the session but not log off properly.